Thank you for using FREESPOT.
The following methods for signing in to FREESPOT are available;
  1. Email Account (Click here for more information)

    Register your email address to access the Internet.

    • Once have signed in to FREESPOT using this method, your sign in will remain valid for 6 months.
  2. Guest Account

    You can access the Internet for 10 minutes without any registration. Once you log out, your guest account cannot log in again for 3 hours.

Your account has expired. Please register again.
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Authentication Method

Error: "SNS Account Authentication" cannot be used at the moment. (ERROR_CODE)

If you don't have an email address to receive emails now, you cannot use "Email Account". Select "SNS Account Authentication" or "Guest Account" instead.

Email Address
Enter an email address that can receive emails immediately, such as your mobile device's email address. After you have received the email, follow instructions in the email to complete your registration.

You cannot sign in to FREESPOT using your Google account from the registration page that is automatically launched after connecting your device to FREESPOT from a Wi-Fi connection. If using your Google account, close the registration page that is automatically launched.* Then, open the registration page on a web browser such as Safari or Chrome by accessing “” and complete the sign-in process.**

*If using an iOS device, tap Cancel to close the registration page that is automatically launched, then tap Use Without Internet from the displayed menu. If you close the registration page without tapping Cancel, the Wi-Fi connection will disconnect. In such a case, reconnect your device to FREESPOT and try again.
**If using an Android device, enable airplane mode on your device to access “”. Disable airplane mode after you finish signing in.

How to Register Your Email Address